Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Week Five - Village Fest Cards

Frontside of Cards on Publisher
Backside of the Finished Cards
This week Alex and I worked on making cards and getting ready for Village Fest. Village Fest is a festival our school community puts onto show their work. For Village Fest, we made cards which has one side to tell people to visit our blog and another side to explain what our project is about. For the cards we had to learn how to use Microsoft Publisher and how to make templates on the program, which ended up making it easier to design the cards. The only challenges we encountered were making sure the wording sounded right and lining up the header's on both sides.We'll be giving out these cards while walking around at Village Fest. As we hand out the cards, we'll explain what they're for.

Backside of Cards on Publisher

Alex Working on Publisher 
Frontside of  the Finished Cards

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